The Moody Foundation
Harbourview Foundation
John P. McGovern Foundation
Dixie and Ron Messner
Denise and Thom Roller
Dr. Leon Bromberg Charitable Trust Fund
Frances Moody Buzbee and Tony Buzbee
Elitecare Emergency Hospital
The Honorable Jeth Jones and Mary Jones
Mary Lou and Dick King
International Longshoremen’s Association Local 20
International Longshoremen’s Association South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District
Moody Memorial 1st United Methodist Church
United States Maritime Alliance, LTD.
Dr. Gail Ayers Cantini and Armin Cantini
Gulf Stevedoring
Metro Cruise Services
MOD Coffeehouse
Ports America
Marie and Chris Robb
SSA Marine
Galveston Wharves
Commissioner Joe Giusti and Jimmy Fullen for Sheriff
Vicki and Stretch Lewis
State Senator Mayes Middleton
Odyssey Academy
Standard Steel Supply, Amanda and Chris DeVries
UTMB Health
Meg Walker and Craig Janek
West Gulf Maritime Association (WGMA)
Gracie’s, Genette and Keith Bassett
Melissa and Chris Homer
Kim and Fred Raschke
Jenny and Bob Senter
State Representative Dr. Greg Bonnen
J’Mella Hinkston
SSA Marine
Raffle – Kat & Mikey Bouvier, Cynthia & John Smith
Special Entertainment – Kim and Steve Conner
Décor -San Luis Resort